Monday, May 17, 2010

Broiled Black-Pepper Tofu with Soba Noodles and Vegetables

It was Tofu night and after weeks of trying to avoid it he actually liked it. This meal is from Martha. Two of the three parts you can make earlier in the day and I actually chopped some of the veggies for the noodle part earlier also. Serves 4
Broiled Black-Pepper Tofu
1 ½ blocks firm tofu, from 2 14 oz packages
2T tamari soy sauce
1T toasted sesame oil
¾ t freshly ground pepper
Cut the tofu crosswise into 6 slices. I used both blocks, feeding some to Max. Cut the slices on a diagonal into two triangles. Line a rimmed baking sheet with a double layer of paper towels. Place tofu on top and place another double layer on top of the tofu. Place a slightly smaller baking sheet on top and weight it down. I used thing s on the counter top, Martha suggests can goods. Let stand at least 20 minutes. I did this about two o’clock. I then make the sauce and covered it. More about the cooking later.
Next I made the Soy-Lemon Dipping Sauce
2T minced and peeled fresh ginger
¼C tamari soy sauce
½ t freshly grated lemon zest, plus the juice from the whole lemon
1t toasted sesame oil
Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl and set aside covered at room temperature. Just before serving whisk again and put in dipping bowls.
Soba Noodles with Vegetables
8 oz sugar snap peas, trimmed strings removed (mine were frozen)
12 oz soba noodles (one pkg. iIs 8.9oz, I just used one package as it was just Jim and I)
1T plus 1t sesame oil (cut accordingly if using less noodles)
1T plus 1t peanut oil (ditto)
2 medium carrots, about a ½#, peeled and shaved into thin strips using a vegetable peeler
1t minced peeled fresh ginger
4 scallions, thinly sliced cross wise
1T tamari soy sauce
1/4C coarsely chopped fresh mint (I used dried that I had just dried from fresh last week)
Freshly ground pepper
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the peas and boil about 2 minutes. Using a slotted wire spatula, remove from the water and place in a colander and run under cold water. Add the noodles to the boiling water for 3 minutes, drain. Place the noodles and all the other ingredients in a large bowl and toss.
Back to the Tofu
Preheat the broiler with the rack about 6” from the heat. Remove the tofu from the pressing pans and pat dry. Place in a 9 x13 pan and pour the sauce over. Turn the tofu to make sure all is coated evenly. Place under the broiler 4 minutes per side.
Serve some of the noodle mixture with tofu on top. Take a spoon and put some sauce on each piece of Tofu. Enjoy. Believe it or not, the first words out of Jim’s mouth were “This is good.”
We served it with a Lake Michigan Shore Riesling from the Round Barn Winery. I imagine most of you are going yuck; I am not going to make that. It is easier than the list of instructions seems and very good for you along with the good taste.
Try it, you might be a convert. The presentation is good enough for company.

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