Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Soutwestern Success

When planning my week’s meals, I grab different cookbooks and look through them. I usually come up with more than a week. I then cull until I get it to 7. One of the meals that really appealed this week was Barbara’s Fruitwood-Grilled Trout with Blueberry Salsa en Burrito. I had seen these wonderful looking trout in the market last week and I love fish tacos. In fact they are the only tacos I do like. So tonight I made them, but I was terrified to serve them to Jim. You never know how he will react when you are serving something that has all things that are good for him. He loved them! The wine he picked was perfect with them, as listed on the back it said it went with Thai food. It was a California Viognier called Honey Moon that he found at Trader Joe’s today. This wasn’t Thai, but what they were saying is it holds up to heat and it did. The cookbook is one that Jim brought me from a business trip to New Mexico. It is called Southwestern Kitchen by Jane Butel.

4 whole trout, ready to cook. This means the guts and bones are gone.

Juice of 2 limes

Salt and pepper

1 C fresh Blueberries

1 C chopped onion

2 fresh jalapeno chilies, minced (I use canned that I get at Harris Teeter. They have the same intensity as the ones in CA. The ones we get “fresh” here in VA are complete wimps.)

2 garlic cloves minced

8 -10” flour tortillas

I had to improvise a little as our grille is buried under 30” of snow and between the back door and the grille is all the snow Jim shoveled off the deck. It looks like we have a mountain in the back yard. So I cooked the trout in the Speedcook oven. You sprinkle it with the juice of one lime and salt and pepper. In the recipe you grilled it. If you have an indoor grille or no snow, go for it. The remaining ingredients are all combined for the salsa. I used my grille pan to grille the tortillas for a few seconds per side to put marks on the tortillas and heat them. Don’t put too much in each tortilla as they break and are more difficult to eat. Roll like a burrito.

Serves 4


  1. By GE this oven is called Advantium. Martha uses one on her show that I am sure is much better. Basically it cooks using high intensity halogen lights. It cooks in twice the time and seems to seal in juices and flavors better than a convential oven. It is slower than a mircrowave. Unfortunately the Advantium oven comes with a recipe book. Basically do this for this recipe. They do not explain the theroy, so I have to just experment, trial and error to use it. So far we really like it for fish.
