Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Original Pizza again.

Well here I am writing the entire blog of the recipe again. I wrote it and put on copy and did not save and it went into never, never land. So here it goes again. Monday was a beautiful day and the forecast was beautiful. I needed nothing for Monday; remember the black bean soup? But I had a lot to do as we are selling the house, so I made the weekly meals: all from grilling cookbooks. Love to send Jim outside to cook in the summer. Woke up today to rain and 50 degrees: what to do? So I looked up a recipe to do today and took off for the market. When I got home, I was really tired and did not want to make that recipe. I wanted pizza. I searched the freezers and pantry and came up with my second original recipe. I had chicken breast; my first thought was CA Pizza Kitchen Barbeque Chicken. I read the recipe and realized why I had never bought the frozen version or ordered it in their restaurants. Here is my version. Jim loved it and so did I.
1 Boboli thin crust
Goat cheese, 4-5 oz.
2 strips of bacon, microwaved to almost done
Marinated mozzarella balls in oil and sun dried tomatoes
1 chicken breast sprinkled with Penzeys Barbeque of the Americas spice
Homemade pizza sauce (I took a pizza course with Taste of DC). The sauce recipe made tons, and I have frozen it in individual amounts for all my pizzas. When I run out I will blog it as it is very good.
4 oz. baby Bella mushrooms
First I spread the sauce on the crust. I topped it with the mushrooms. Next I microwaved the bacon and chopped. I spread it on the crust. I speed cooked the chicken breast. When it was done I shredded it and spread on the crust. I crushed and spread the goat cheese. Next I cut the mozzarella balls in half. I think there were 7 and spread them on the crust. I also spread the sun dried tomatoes that came with the mozzarella balls. With the peel, I deposited it on the oven rack and cooked for 10 minutes. When it came out I topped it with pepper and salt.
We enjoyed the pizza with our pizza wine, a Black Mountain Pinot Noir from Trader Joe’s.


  1. How was the Pinot from Trader Joe's?

  2. It is good. We call it our pizza or pasta wine. Jim always airates it.

  3. We are going to Indy to visit Janice in a couple of weeks. Will be visitng our usual spots. Penzy's, Trader Joes, Fresh Foods, Wild Oats, Quilt Quarters (my favorite quilt shop) and of course Cafe Patachou (our favorite)for breakfast!

  4. You have inspired us again so we are having pizza tonight. I had made fresh pesto at the end of the summer to use up the basil and froze it in ice cube trays. This way I can take out the servings I need for whenever I need. Works with pasta, chicken, fish, appetizers, and now pizza. Will use this for the pizza and top with goat cheese.
