Friday, May 18, 2012

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

There is a Landmark restaurant in Nashville called the Loveless Café.  I actually bought the pastry chef's cookbook while we were still in VA.  I heard about it on Martha radio.  We have been there once.  It is not a place I would die to go back to, except for the great craft shop on the grounds.  We did not get dessert, but based on this pie and our experience, it may be worth going back for breakfast and dessert.  I blogged earlier about a salsa made with rhubarb.  Well, I made my list quickly and wrote down 1 ½ # instead of 1 ½ C of rhubarb.  Stay tuned for the next use of rhubarb.
Pillsbury pie dough or make your own
1 C sugar
3 T cornstarch
1 ½ t grated orange zest
1 t apple pie spice
1 t ground cinnamon
12 oz fresh strawberries, hulled and halved (about 2 C)
12 oz fresh rhubarb, cut into ½” slices (about 2 cups)
1.      Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Linda a sturdy baking sheet with non-stick aluminum foil.  Place a 9”pie plate on the baking sheet.  Place one of the sheets of dough in the bottom of the plate and set aside.  (Do not skip as the pie runs over while baking.)
2.      In a bowl, rub the sugar, cornstarch, orange zest, apple pie spice, and cinnamon together with your fingertips.  Add the strawberries and rhubarb, toss together gently with a rubber spatula, and turn the fruit into the pie shell, using the spatula to scrape the bowl will. 
3.      For the top crust, lay out the second piece of dough and cut into 1” strips with a pizza wheel or a sharp knife.  Arrange the strips in a lattice pattern on top of the fruit mixture.  Start with 1 strip in the middle of the pie.  Add to strips to either side leaving about 1/2" in between and being aware of the sizes as you are cutting from a circle.  Then arrange the remaining strips in the opposite direction on a slight diagonal to form the lattice with diamon-shaped opinings.   
4.      Bake for about 1hour and 15 minutes, or until the juices are bubbling in the center and the lattice is a nice golden brown. 

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